Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Importance of Your Tires

The Importance of Your Tires
Submitted by Brenda
The tires are one of the most important parts of your car and the part that most people end up replacing the most. Flat and worn out tires can be a major inconvenience which makes it important for you to take care of your tires. Keeping an eye on your tires wear and tear will keep you from being caught unprepared with a flat tire or other tire problem that could have been avoided.Your cars tire pressure is one of the things that you check as often as you can. Checking your cars tire pressure at least once a month is recommended. Also do not be afraid to check your tires whenever you think they might be low. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to tire maintenance especially when you are getting ready to make a long road trip. In order to check your tires pressure you must have a pressure gauge. These tire pressure gauges can be purchased at any store that sells car maintenance supplies and also at almost any gas station. They are usually extremely inexpensive, some can be found for $1.00 if not a bit less. While many gas stations have tire pressure gauges that can be used for free near their air pumps it is in your best interest to invest in your own pressure gauge. The ones that are available at gas stations are sometimes non-functioning and will give you false read outs which can cause you to over fill your tires or under fill them. There are two ways to find out how much air pressure your car tires should have. Your cars owners’ manual will include a section about your cars tires which will tell you the ideal car tire pressure. Also the driver’s side doorjamb or the driver’s side back seat doorjamb will have a sticker telling the proper pressure for both the front and back tires. Once you know what the proper tire pressure is for your vehicle you can now check them using the tire pressure gauge that you have purchased.Carefully unscrew the cap from the air valve on the tire you want to check. Firmly press the tire pressure gauge against the air valve and be sure no air escapes. Once the gauge has connected it will immediately show you what the current pressure of your tire is. Now you will know whether or not your tire needs more air pressure. When adding air to your tire take your time and go slowly to make sure that you do not accidentally add more air than is necessary. Having too much air in a tire can sometimes do as much harm as not having enough air. When you are finished replace the cap and make sure is screwed on tightly and then repeat the process on your other tires. If you begin to notice that you are losing pressure often and filling your tires more than once a month begin checking that tire for punctures are excessive wear. Having constant, excessive, tire pressure loss usually means that it is time for a new tire or some extensive tire repair.
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